Friday 20 July 2012

"i was perfect for the circus. If she dared me; i'd do it!"

We’re back on track. Well, sort of back on track. Apart from the pain running through my left calf we’re doing good.

So, what’s happened since I wrote last.

Wednesday, there was another epic fail.

And I say fail but it aint over till the fat lady sings and I haven’t opened my gob yet.

I missed my run Wednesday.

Not like, oh I missed it, when did it pass?

More like, my throat seized up, my eyes got watery and in general I felt like complete shit. So shit, I had a fourteen hour sleep out.

I only intended on napping. She says with a grin. But hey, I didn’t, or tried not to; beat myself up too much about it. It just meant I couldn’t rest today.

So, after feeling super sorry for myself all day Wednesday mixed in with the fourteen hour marathon of closed eyes I was forced to lace up last night and complete the five miles.

To be truthful, it was an easy enough run, I was experiencing some pent up anger (shock/horror) and I told myself that if I didn’t complete it, I wouldn’t be allowed to go to the circus!

Yes, the circus is in town.

The CIRCUS!!!!

I heart the circus. I’m not overly fussed on clowns but I do love a bendy person and by god can Uncle Sam’s American circus bend!

Flexible to…well, you know.

We took Scott’s nephew and after the initial five minutes where Scotty Boy continually referred to Caiden as Fizz, we, if I do say so myself, coped impeccably with the three year old.

So, the five miler in the heavy, heavy air was well worth it. I’d even say the cracked, bleeding lips
 (My mouth was that dry) was worth it too.

I repeated the word heavy there to really emphasise how shitty the Welsh weather is actually being.  The sky is black; the clouds are so threatening I’m surprised I haven’t had nightmares about them. So, running in a long sleeved black top wasn’t exactly my wisest move.

You’ll all be pleased to know I didn’t over indulge in candyfloss or popcorn at the circus either.

To be truthful I witnessed some horrific things in work yesterday and really didn’t feel like consuming anything. Not a morsel. Those of you who know me would have actually gasped there. Good God, I can’t even…NO, I won’t expose you via literature to what I had to look at yesterday.

I’ll draw a line under it.

Right now.



Today; I am afternoons so I got up just after Scotty Boy vacated the abode and had full
intentions of completing the seven mile run I’m supposed to do Saturday.

Then I thought it best I have breakfast.

Then I decided to watch Geordie Shore. (They are in Cancun so it was for research purposes.)

Then I thought I’d sort the washing out.

By the time I got my trainers on and closed the front door behind me I was feeling somewhat less optimistic.

After the first mile I was feeling somewhat pessimistic.

Going into the third mile my glass was certainly half empty and my calf was twanging like a good’un.

I ran three miles and gave up.

Just like that.

But it’s OK. Calm down, calm down.

The plan was only expecting three off me today and I imagine that was what was in the back of my mind this morning.

Seven miles tomorrow.

Seven miles on a Saturday.

Seven miles on a Saturday when I’m due in the pub at one?

I’ve just drained the half empty class and am shaking my head.
Seven miles Sunday?

Seven miles on a Sunday after I’ve been in the pub on a Saturday from one?

I’ve just smashed that empty glass.

Have a good weekend.

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