Wednesday 10 October 2012

Hank Marvin...

I forgot to tell you…I know have four reasons why I love shadows.
1. They frighten me on the odd occasion.
2. You can’t see how red your head is in them.
3. You’ll never, ever catch it and,
4. Mine looked pretty skinny in the autumn sunshine.
Yes, it was this weekend I definitely noticed a shape change. With this in mind, and my re-found love for running, I have decided that the Edinburgh marathon is no longer a maybe; it’s a must. I want, more than anything at this precise moment, to be able to tick full marathon off my bucket list. That’s if I don’t kick the bloody bucket in trying to achieve this.
So, we’re looking at four sleeps until I embark on my next step to achieving one of my ‘running’ goals and I have to say I’m feeling quite…OK! Yes, surprisingly I’m more excited than nervous and I bloody love this tapering excuse, I mean technique.
(Tapering, the lazy runners best friend!!!!)
I completed a nice three and a half miles this evening at a nice pace and even managed to conquer a mother of an incline.
I’d been on motivational interviewing training today and I’d like to say I left the hostel feeling positive, motivated and in general all the bumph I’d learned throughout the day. In reality, I was drained, lazy, bored and frustrated by the entire bollocks I’d had to listen to for seven poxy hours.  I’d also quaffed way too much off the ‘provided lunch’ to feel ready for a run, but run I did and I’m glad about that.
Yesterday, I only managed a walk. Me and Scotty Boy embarked on a stroll to the Gurnos to ensure a little bit of activity. You see, I love the sofa, Scotty boy loves the TV, we’d both be happy to stew in our own laziness and cheesecake if we had our way, hence the fact I make myself run and he makes himself…he makes himself look busy every now and then! (No one tell him I wrote this.)
Anyway, I walked yesterday because I was absolutely knackered from spending the day underground. Yes, you did read that right, we took a trip to Big Pit, the mining museum in Blaenavaon and to be totally truthful the tour pretty much wiped me out.
Its madness that people actually work in those conditions? Madness! And I have the cheek to moan about my job.
So, walk on Tuesday, three and a half tonight, do I attempt a three to four tomorrow and off Friday or three to four Friday and that’s me done until Sunday? Suppose its best to see how I’m feeling.
I’ve got to take the parentals to the airport in the early hours of tomorrow and I’m back doing my broadcasting bit for the BBC on Friday so there is a high possibility that there will be zero running until Sunday.
Oh heck!
Day after Saturday.
Not long until Sunday.

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